There’s something in a simple hug that always warms the heart; It welcomes us back home and makes it easier to part. A hug’s a way to share the joy and sad times we go through, Or just a way for friends to say they like you ’cause you’re you. Hugs are meant for anyoneRead more
John is the kind of guy you love to hate. He is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say. When someone would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, ‘If I were any better, I would be twins!’ He was a natural motivator. If an employee was havingRead more
Do you ever wonder what your handwriting would look like as a font? Well, I did, and fond an answer to my problem at There you can print out a template, write your alphabet (like in elementary school), and upload it to there server… Well, this is what my handwriting looks like as aRead more
The election is over, and maybe the direction of the country will change in the near future. Does the direction of the country relay need to change? Are we really that bad off? I had this article written by Craig R. Smith sent to me a while ago, and while I don’t necessarily agree withRead more
We tried so hard to make things better for our kids that we made them worse. For my grandchildren, I’d like better. I’d really like for them to know about hand me down clothes and homemade ice cream and leftover meat loaf sandwiches. I really would. I hope you learn humility by being humiliated, andRead more
With the instability in the US market trialing into the world market, we need to caution ourselves. One wrong move from America, or any other county for that matter, could lead to disaster and push our fanatical wows over the top. The world market would be devastated if there were another event like 9/11. SoRead more